Fractional Collagen Induction Therapy (FCIT), or also referred to as micro needling, is the procedure by which the body’s natural response to healing is used to increase the amount of extracellular matrix (such as collagen and elastin) in the skin. Your skin becomes firmer and regains its elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, pores become finer, circulation is stimulated and the overall condition of the skin improves.
The Rejuvapen Treatment creates a fractionated series of thousands of micro channels, which allow for leakage of blood cells sebum and lymphatic fluid to the surface of the skin, in a controlled and temporary manner. These “injuries” are enough to initiate the natural “wound healing cascade” which is composed of three basic phases.
The Rejuvapen Treatment creates a fractionated series of thousands of micro channels, which allow for leakage of blood cells sebum and lymphatic fluid to the surface of the skin, in a controlled and temporary manner. These micro injuries are enough to initiate the natural “wound healing cascade” which is composed of three basic phases.
In this stage, the platelets that are activated by the piercing of the dermal tissue release cytokines and growth factors which act as signals for the body’s immune system to send in cells such as neutrophils and macrophages to disinfect the wounds, clear the debris, increase the blood supply (in a process called angionesis) and begin the creation of fresh. new cellular and extracellular materials (the granulation process).
In this stage, the fibroblasts (cells that makeup much of the dermis amd create the extracellular matrix) keratinocytes and epidermal cells continue to divide to populate the areas of damage and secrete growth factors and extracellular matrix, such as elastin and colagen III.
In this stage, the wound has now been replaced with new dermal tissues and the newly formed vasculature is now matured. The collagen III in the newly formed tissue is now replaced with the stronger collagen I and the tissue contracts to cause a “shrink-wrap” efffect of the skin.
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Lifts, tightens, rejuvenates skin
- Minimizes pore size
- Improves appearance of stretch marks
- Improves appearance of scars
- Improves appearance of acne scarring